lgularte [preposition] tulane.edu
substitute "brown.edu"
Recent courses:
- Consciousness (3)
- Tulane University, s2024; f2023; f2022
- Altered Experience (4)
- Tulane University, s2024; f2023; s2023; s2022
- Language & Thought (3)
- Tulane University, s2024; s2023; s2022
- Philosophy of Cognitive Science (3)
- Tulane University, f2023; f2022; f2021
- Philosophy of Neuroscience*
- Tulane University, s2023
- Moral Psychology & Metaethics*
- Tulane University, f2022
- Expository Writing for Science (3)
- Tulane University, s2022; f2021 (2)
- Free Will and the Brain (2)
- Rhode Island School of Design, s2021; summer@brown, 2021
- Neuroeconomics: The Science of Decision-Making (2)
- RISD, s2020; summer@brown, 2018
- An Introduction to Pain and Suffering
- Brown University, s2019
- * cross-listed graduate/undergraduate seminar
- "(#)" indicates number of times taught, through spring 2024